Sexercise for Women

>> November 14, 2009

Sexercise for women is not merely an exercise but a theory as well. Sexrecise for women suggests to women that not only physical exercise is required to make a woman attractive but also they need to shape their body movements to make them look sexy. This requires a lot of physical and psychological effort to adopt a sexy appearance which can not be attained only by attractive body features. Attractive gestures which stimulate a man to feel attraction for the woman are also necessary to enhance overall appeal. The theory of sexercise emphasizes a woman to have a confidence that she is looking sexy. The theory is more applicable to housewives who have developed not only an ugly body but also recklessly ugly gestures for their mates. The sexercise experts suggest such women (who have forgotten woman-hood with the passage of time and life style) to start with an erotic dance with more pelvic and hip movements. Before the dancing starts, it is advised to have “warm-up” exercise. The warm-up exercise is not physically warming up but it is more psychological. This includes how to walk. The walk includes the body language of a “man hunter”

and includes a little jerk to hip while walking. Other exercises comprise of seeing in the mirror during walk. How to make a “magnetic eye contact” is another way of sexercising. Stiletto walk although is difficult but can be learned with some practice coupled with sexy eye contact enhances confidence in women. The sexercise experts suggest that if they don’t feel confident then they should pretend to be confident. There are many other sexercises including hip movements to enhance body’s apael.



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