Colt Brennan Jessica Simpson

>> August 15, 2009

Hot news: Jessica Simpson seems to have a thing for quarterbacks, as she is now supposedly dating Colt Brennan of the Washington Redskins.

Here's the photo of Colt Brennan & Jessica Simpson:

Colt Brennan

colt brennan

Jessica SimpsonJessica Simpson


Lynndie England photo

Lynndie England (born November 8, 1982) is a former United States Army reservist who served in the 372nd Military Police Company. She was one of eleven military personnel convicted in 2005 by the Army courts-martial in connection with the torture and prisoner abuse at the Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad during the occupation of Iraq.The others to face prosecution along with England were Staff Sergeant Ivan Frederick, Specialist Charles Graner, Sergeant Javal Davis, Specialist Megan Ambuhl, Specialist Sabrina Harman, and Private Jeremy Sivits.


We Are Marshall Movie

The 2006 film "We Are Marshall" is based on a true story. It is based on the November 14 1970 air tragedy where members of the Marshal University football team (team, coaches, staff, members, crew members) died on a plane crash. 35 years later, it is immortalized by Warner Bros. and Thunder Road Pictures in the We Are Marshall film.


* Matthew McConaughey as Coach Jack Lengyel
* Matthew Fox as Red Dawson
* Anthony Mackie as Nate Ruffin
* Kate Mara as Annie
* January Jones as Carol Dawson
* Ian McShane as Paul Griffin
* David Strathairn as Donald Dedmon


cris cyborg santos

>> August 14, 2009

Cris Cyborg Santos and Gina Carano’s fight has created a buzz across the MMA world. Even those people who don’t have any knowledge of martial art are also being drawn into it due to Gina Carano’s great looks. The organizers are promoting the fight as the biggest fight in the history of women's mixed martial arts.

One of the big reasons that Cyborg vs. Carano is such a big fight, of course, is that Carano has become a star and a sex symbol beyond just the world of MMA. But Cyborg has a message for Carano on that count.

She says, "Beauty doesn't win a fight".

"What wins a fight is training hard, working hard, and that's what I do: Train hard every time. Being pretty or not is not the point. The point is she's the No. 1 fighter, and that's what I'm going for."

So will Santos come on top of Carano in the fight slated to be held tomorrow or Carano will continue to dominate the fight as she has done in the past will be known when the result is out. So wait till the fight begins.



Jeffrey Sebelia project runway

Hello guys! do you want to see Jeffrey Sebelia's project runway Myspace account? If you said yes! I will post it here in my blog. Jeffrey Sebelia Myspace account is one of popular searches today in google. Many people are asking what is Jeffrey Sebelia Myspace account, how do they find him. But I give his myspace account I will give you first some Info. about him.

Jeffrey Sebelia is a tattoo artist and fashion fag daddy. His age is 39 years old and living at Los Angeles, CALIFORNIA, USA.

You can go here :


Philadelphia Inquirer Daily News

Michael Vick

Today, Michael Vick:Philadelphia Eagles in now on front cover of Philadelphia Inquirer - “HIDE YOUR DOGS!” Philadelphia Daily News announces Michael Vick’s Eagles signing with “Hide Your Dogs” as the front cover.

Les Bowen however calls it a big circus:

“VERY LATE last night, Donovan McNabb declared that the Eagles’ stunning signing of Michael Vick was, “no different, really, than bringing T.O. here.” Because, you know, that turned out so well. The Eagles, controversy-free lately, rejoined the circus last night. The big top opens at 11 a.m. today at NovaCare, when Vick is introduced at a news conference.”

Paul Domowitch’s piece starts:

“FORGET, FOR A MOMENT, if that’s possible, what he did and why an organization that perpetually has preached the importance of bringing in character players would sign a guy who has just spent almost 2 years in a federal prison.”


chris pratt and anna faris

>> August 13, 2009

chris pratt photos

The Good looking guy named chris pratt and the pretty girl anna faris was reportedly tied their knot on July 9th in a private ceremony which was a very small gathering in Bali. Chris Pratt and Anna Faris was very closed to each other since a year fast.

Well, good luck both of you guys, and good wishes.


Gina Carano Playboy - Naked

gina carano naked

Want to see
Gina Carano in naked? Well, sorry to disappoint you, because she has no plan to do it at all. According to some source Gina Carano said in a past interview that she would never pose nude for Playboy. You can watch it below;


PGA Championship TV schedule

If you're looking for PGA Championship TV schedule on the internet, and yet you haven't found a good directory anywhere. Well, you've found the good place. Today, I will post here their schedule. And also if you looking for place to buy PGA Championship Tickets just stay in touch, because I will mentioned it here in my blog later.

11 a.m.-2 p.m.: “Live from the PGA Championship,” Golf Channel
2-8 p.m.: First-round coverage, TNT
8-10 p.m.: “Live from the PGA Championship,” Golf Channel
12:35-1:05 a.m.: First-round highlights, CBS-6

11 a.m.-2 p.m.: “Live from the PGA Championship,” Golf Channel
2-8 p.m.: Second-round coverage, TNT
8-10 p.m.: “Live from the PGA Championship,” Golf Channel
12:35-1:05 a.m.: Second-round highlights, CBS-6

9-11 a.m.: “Live from the PGA Championship,” Golf Channel
11 a.m.-2 p.m.: Third-round coverage, TNT
2-7 p.m.: Third-round coverage, CBS-6
7-9 p.m.: “Live from the PGA Championship,” Golf Channel

9-11 a.m.: “Live from the PGA Championship,” Golf Channel
11 a.m.-2 p.m.: Third-round coverage, TNT
2-7 p.m.: Final-round coverage, CBS-6
7-9 p.m.: “Live from the PGA Championship,” Golf Channel

2009 PGA Championship Tickets website on :


Karen Sypher Pics

The name Karen Sypher is in the Headline today, for accusing college basketball coach Rick Pitino of assault, rape, and for offering her money to have an abortion. Pitino on the other hand accused her extortion. Meanwhile, most web surfers all over the world want's see Karen Sypher Pics. So here are some Karen Sypher Pics for you:

karen sypher

Karen Sypher is Rick Pitino wife

karen cunagin sypher
Karen Syphers


Willard Wigan microscopic art

Today's top searches in google is all about Willard Wigan microscopic art. His great analogy for his micro sculptors, which can not be seen without a magnified glass, or microscope. According to some source Willard Wigan Micro Sculptors are anything from the Obama family, up to Muhammad Ali.

Willard Wigan microscopic art

Watch youtube video below which explained Willard Wigan life and process of making the tiny sculptor.


kitty daisy and lewis

Watch the magnificent music videos of kitty daisy & lewis


Darren Mack - The man who killed his wife

>> August 9, 2009

Yup! Darren Mack, The man who killed his wife, and then injured the judge who was handling his divorce case by shooting him is still headline of the news today. A CBS report says he is also contesting against the $590 million penalty on him.

Last year Darren Mack was ordered to pay $590 million in a wrongful death lawsuit. A jury had voted the judgment to the daughter of the wife of Darren Mack, who is serving a life sentence for killing his wife in June 2006.

Under the award in the wrongful death lawsuit, $530 million will go to the couple's young daughter Erika and the rest will go to the estate of his slain wife Charla, according to court records.

Mack had pleaded guilty to first-degree murder in the stabbing of his wife Charla. He entered an Alford plea to the charge of attempted murder for trying to shoot family court judge Chuck Waller through his courthouse window. An Alford plea means he acknowledged that there was enough evidence to convict him, but did not admit guilt.

It is reported that Mack, upset with contentious divorce proceedings and his belief that Weller was corrupt, killed his estranged wife when she arrived to drop off their daughter.

Charla Mack had filed for divorce in 2005. In court documents, her lawyer said Darren Mack ignored Weller's order to pay her $10,000 a month in temporary alimony. Weller found him in contempt of court, but Mack filed for bankruptcy to avoid paying.

Mack evaded police for 11 days, during which time he was featured on the Fox TV show America's Most Wanted and the FBI’s Most Wanted website. Mack was a hunter and sportsman and records show he owned a .40-caliber Smith and Wesson handgun and a Bushmaster .223 semi-automatic rifle. Police said he possessed a federal firearms license and permit to carry a concealed weapon. A search of his apartment found ammunition and bomb materials. Mack surrendered to Mexican authorities on June 22, 2006 in Puerto Vallarta. The following day he was flown to Dallas, Texas for booking, and returned to Reno.


Video - Anderson Silva vs Forrest Griffin

Watch the video below to see who's gonna win is it Anderson Silva? or is Forrest Griffin?

Who's yours?


Derrick Thomas death

Derrick Thomas death- According to police reports indicate that "Derrick Thomas", who was driving, was speeding and weaving through traffic at the time of the accident. Thomas and one of the passengers were not wearing seat belts and both were thrown from the car; the passenger was killed instantly. He died on February 8, 2000, in Miami, of a pulmonary embolism, a massive blood clot that developed in his paralyzed lower extremities and traveled through his venous system to his lungs.


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