Philadelphia Inquirer Daily News

>> August 14, 2009

Michael Vick

Today, Michael Vick:Philadelphia Eagles in now on front cover of Philadelphia Inquirer - “HIDE YOUR DOGS!” Philadelphia Daily News announces Michael Vick’s Eagles signing with “Hide Your Dogs” as the front cover.

Les Bowen however calls it a big circus:

“VERY LATE last night, Donovan McNabb declared that the Eagles’ stunning signing of Michael Vick was, “no different, really, than bringing T.O. here.” Because, you know, that turned out so well. The Eagles, controversy-free lately, rejoined the circus last night. The big top opens at 11 a.m. today at NovaCare, when Vick is introduced at a news conference.”

Paul Domowitch’s piece starts:

“FORGET, FOR A MOMENT, if that’s possible, what he did and why an organization that perpetually has preached the importance of bringing in character players would sign a guy who has just spent almost 2 years in a federal prison.”


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