Darren Mack - The man who killed his wife

>> August 9, 2009

Yup! Darren Mack, The man who killed his wife, and then injured the judge who was handling his divorce case by shooting him is still headline of the news today. A CBS report says he is also contesting against the $590 million penalty on him.

Last year Darren Mack was ordered to pay $590 million in a wrongful death lawsuit. A jury had voted the judgment to the daughter of the wife of Darren Mack, who is serving a life sentence for killing his wife in June 2006.

Under the award in the wrongful death lawsuit, $530 million will go to the couple's young daughter Erika and the rest will go to the estate of his slain wife Charla, according to court records.

Mack had pleaded guilty to first-degree murder in the stabbing of his wife Charla. He entered an Alford plea to the charge of attempted murder for trying to shoot family court judge Chuck Waller through his courthouse window. An Alford plea means he acknowledged that there was enough evidence to convict him, but did not admit guilt.

It is reported that Mack, upset with contentious divorce proceedings and his belief that Weller was corrupt, killed his estranged wife when she arrived to drop off their daughter.

Charla Mack had filed for divorce in 2005. In court documents, her lawyer said Darren Mack ignored Weller's order to pay her $10,000 a month in temporary alimony. Weller found him in contempt of court, but Mack filed for bankruptcy to avoid paying.

Mack evaded police for 11 days, during which time he was featured on the Fox TV show America's Most Wanted and the FBI’s Most Wanted website. Mack was a hunter and sportsman and records show he owned a .40-caliber Smith and Wesson handgun and a Bushmaster .223 semi-automatic rifle. Police said he possessed a federal firearms license and permit to carry a concealed weapon. A search of his apartment found ammunition and bomb materials. Mack surrendered to Mexican authorities on June 22, 2006 in Puerto Vallarta. The following day he was flown to Dallas, Texas for booking, and returned to Reno.


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