Watch The Simpsons Season 21 Episode 13

>> February 22, 2010

Watch The Simpsons Season 21 Episode 13 entitled "The Color Yellow". right here, so don't miss to "Watch The Simpsons Episode 13" via live streaming on the net. I found a website to be able for you to watch this episode for free.

When Miss Hoover asks her students to research their family history, Lisa is horrified to discover that most of her ancestors were bad people – a motley crew of horse thieves and deadbeats. But while rummaging through the attic, Lisa happens upon a diary kept by her ancestor, Eliza Simpson. As Eliza’s story unfolds, Lisa learns that her family was part of the Underground Railroad, a group that helped slaves escape to freedom. Eliza recounts liberating a slave named Virgil, but when Lisa presents her findings at school, some of her classmates refute it, leaving Lisa determined to exonerate her family’s name.

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