Happy Father's Day

>> June 20, 2009

I would like to say "Happy Father's day" to all Father's and soon to be father out there and most especially to my good Husband "Happy Father's day Papa" I cherish all the days together with you, and I never forget all the good things you've done, especially for our baby "I love You".

To all the Father's all over the world here's my wonderful message for you.

Already Father's .

"Good fathers are difficult to find. If you have a gem of a father and you wish to make him feel special"

For soon to be father's like my husband.

"For the new father, life changes overnight. Unlike the mother who has nine months of preparation time for the new arrival, the father is quite literally yanked into the role"

And lastly for all the daughters and son greet your father with these inspirational message.

"Dear Dad,
For u r the one,
For u r the one God counted on
For u r the one God counted on while sending me to this world
For u r the one God counted on while sending me to this world, for he
Knew i'll always need someone to talk to when no one is there for me!
Love you dad!"

We wish we could tell you Daddy,
that how much you mean to us....
We have no words to say about
how much we appreciate you...
how much we admire you...
how much we thank you
for everything you've done.
We love you so much Daddy...
Happy Father's Day"


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